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Ceramides and their benefits on oily, combination, dry and atopic skin

Ceramides and their benefits on oily, combination, dry and atopic skin

Hello darlings! Today I am going to tell you about ceramides and their benefits on oily, combination, dry and atopic skin.

You know that I love researching cosmetic ingredients because I think it’s important to know what we put on our face skin. When I heard about ceramides they always reminded me of “waxes”. And the truth is that I was not amused by the idea of putting wax on my face!

But after reading lots on the subject, I understood that they have nothing to do with wax, but are a very curious cosmetic ingredient that is worth discovering.

Instead, ceramides are related to existing fats in the skin. If you follow me on social media, you will know that last year I lost a lot of weight and saw the brutal impact that the loss of lipids has on the skin of the face.

For that reason, and because I begin to see some expression lines on my face, I am very interested in learning about cosmetic ingredients related to the production of fats in the skin of the face and its impact on the skin, whether oily, combination, dry or atopic.

Here I leave the ranking of the best creams with ceramides, but in this article we will understand what they are and how they work on our skin.

What are the ceramides?

Ceramides are lipids (fats) found naturally in the skin. They serve to maintain the lipid and water barrier, essential for skin hydration.

This “barrier” regulates the exchange of liquids between inside and outside the skin. It basically takes care of the permeability of the skin. And why is this important? Well, because there are liquids that must come out of the skin in the form of sweat. And also on the contrary, there are liquids that must be absorbed inside, such as the creams we apply.

Natural ceramides also cause the fats that the skin needs to regenerate to be transmitted from the inside to the outside. Having a supply of essential fatty acids to the skin is important for maintaining a youthful appearance. Without them we would have an emaciated and “sucked” appearance. (Kind of like what happened to me last year, but that’s another story…).

What are ceramides for?

As we age, the production of ceramides decreases (how could we not?). In addition, sunlight and climatic variations also cause a decrease in the production of ceramides. This causes the skin to lose its ability to retain water. And if we can’t retain water, our skin dries out and wrinkles begin to appear.

Like other cosmetic ingredients like hyaluronic acid, for example, ceramides help retain water in the skin.

What are ceramides used for in cosmetics?

Ceramides are natural lipids found in the skin barrier and play a key role in skin health and hydration. In cosmetics, ceramides are used in skin care products due to their moisturizing and restorative benefits. Here are some of the most common uses of ceramides in cosmetics:

Skin hydration: Ceramides help retain moisture in the skin and prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL). This makes them a popular ingredient in moisturizing products for dry and dehydrated skin.

Strengthening the skin barrier: ceramides are an important component of the skin barrier, so products containing ceramides can help strengthen and repair the skin barrier, protecting it from external aggressions.

Improving the appearance of the skin: Ceramides can improve the overall appearance of the skin, making it appear softer, smoother and more radiant.

Reduced inflammation: Ceramides have anti-inflammatory properties, making them useful in treating sensitive and inflammatory skin.

In short, ceramides are a popular ingredient in cosmetics due to their moisturizing, repairing, and anti-inflammatory properties, making them a valuable ingredient in care products for dry, sensitive, or aging skin.

Ceramides: benefits for the skin

As we have seen, ceramides have a direct impact on the regulation of lipids in the skin. This means that ceramides applied to the face are used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

For this reason, ceramides are common in cosmetic use: moisturisers, masks and cosmetics that aim to restore and regenerate the skin.

Beyond aesthetics, (since they give the skin a luminous and fresh appearance) without ceramides the skin becomes dry, reactive and sensitive.

And by the way, did you know that ceramides are not only present in the skin, but in all the cells of the body, and especially in neurons? They are not only beneficial to see us well, but also for proper brain function.

Types of ceramides on the skin

There are a total of 9 different types of ceramides. However, in cosmetics the 3 essential ceramides are the following:

  • Ceramide PC 102
  • Ceramide PC 104
  • Ceramide PC108

These three types are the ones that we will find in the list of ingredients of cosmetic products with ceramides.

Ceramides on the skin can be applied through creams, but also foundation or serums. Even if it does not appear explicitly on the packaging, some products contain ceramides in their formulation.

They are also used in after-sun products. They help prevent photoaging of young skin. Ceramides are also used in shampoos for damaged hair. What it does in this case is to regenerate cuticular cells.

In cosmetic use, ceramides are usually used at 4-10%.

Ceramides of synthetic origin are used in cosmetics, because natural ceramides are unstable. That is, it is difficult to incorporate into a cosmetic product. And natural ceramides are more difficult to produce and more expensive.

Properties of ceramides on oily, combination, dry and atopic skin.

Ceramides: properties on oily skin.

In the case of oily skin, ceramides are beneficial for regulating sebaceous production. As we said at the beginning, ceramides cause the fat and water present internally and externally to be regulated correctly.

As a consequence of this, oily skin does not notice an increase in oily sensation when using ceramides.

Ceramides: properties in combination skin.

The benefits of ceramides on combination skin are very similar to those on oily skin, really. They help regulate sebaceous production.

However, in this case the driest areas of the face will benefit from the increase in hydration in the skin thanks to ceramides. We will see the skin more turgid and luminous but without shine. I noticed this firsthand when I used Dr Jart’s Ceramidin cream, for example.

Ceramides: properties on dry skin.

In dry skin ceramides help preserve the level of hydration in the skin. Dry skin tends to be thin skin or skin with some level of aging. Therefore, maintaining hydration is a key step with which ceramides can help.

Ceramides: properties on the atopic skin.

In certain pathologies, such as atopic dermatitis, the skin has fewer ceramides, and this causes it to be drier or irritated. There are studies that have proven that the use of ceramides can help reduce the level of irritation and help other ingredients be better accepted. However, it is important to check each particular pathology, since like any other cosmetic ingredient, ceramides can be reactive.

I hope this little guide has helped you to know better what ceramides are and their benefits on oily, combination, dry and atopic skin.

See you on social media.

Lots of love,

Deliria Rose