Today I tell you what hydrogen peroxide is used to dye hair, depending on the effect we want to achieve.
What developer to use with bleach?
In today's post I tell you, my darlings, what hydrogen peroxide to use for bleaching and, in general, how to use hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair.
My Opinion about Olaplex Conditioner
If I recently told you about shampoo, today I tell you my opinion about Olaplex Conditioner. My experience and my general review about this "celebrity" hair care product.
My review of Olaplex No. 4 Shampoo
Finally! I have already tried Olaplex Shampoo No.4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo and I tell you my opinion about it.
The best home treatments for hair damaged by bleaching
We continue with the discolorations, darlings! Today I’m going to talk about the best home treatments for hair damaged by bleaching. Tested by me!