I have been bleaching my hair myself for 10 years to be exact. I have done both root discoloration and wicks. I have tried countless brands of powders and hydrogen peroxide. And also all kinds of specific products to care for hair treated by bleaching.
How I managed to recover my bleach burned hair (a step-by-step solution)
Today I am going to tell you my personal solution to recover hair burned by bleaching. And I'm talking about extreme damage.
The best purple shampoos
Let’s make a compilation of the best purple shampoos to remove yellowish hair tones.
My review on John Frieda’s shampoo Violet Crush
In today's post we are going to review a shampoo by John Frieda, a brand that has gone viral on the internet and needed to try.
My review of Aussie’s shampoo
I tell you my opinion about the Aussie Mega Moist shampoo, along with its conditioner and mask.