In today's post we are going to review a shampoo by John Frieda, a brand that has gone viral on the internet and needed to try.
My review of Aussie’s shampoo
I tell you my opinion about the Aussie Mega Moist shampoo, along with its conditioner and mask.
Galénic Beauté de Nuit Review
Today I tell you my opinions about Galénic Beauté de Nuit Chrono Active Aqua Gel 50ml. We review the product with video and everything!
Blonde highlights in brown hair: what you should know before making them
In today's post I tell you what you should know before making blonde highlights in brown hair to get the color you are really looking for.
What age should you start using anti-wrinkle products? Guidelines for each age
Hello my darlings! Today I bring you an article with an explanatory video in which I tell you at what age to start using anti-wrinkle and what treatments at each stage of our lives to fight against skin aging.