We continue with the discolorations, darlings! Today I’m going to talk about the best home treatments for hair damaged by bleaching. Tested by me!
How to bleach hair at home step by step
I have been bleaching my hair myself for 10 years to be exact. I have done both root discoloration and wicks. I have tried countless brands of powders and hydrogen peroxide. And also all kinds of specific products to care for hair treated by bleaching.
How I managed to recover my bleach burned hair (a step-by-step solution)
Today I am going to tell you my personal solution to recover hair burned by bleaching. And I'm talking about extreme damage.
The best creams with hyaluronic acid from pharmacy in 2023
Hello my darlings! In today’s post we are going to make a recap of the best creams with hyaluronic acid from pharmacy in 2023. That is, I already anticipate that here we will find from the favorite pharmacy creams of always to others that have entered the market more recently.
My Opinion about Garnier Olia Hair Dye
Today I tell you my opinion about Garnier’s Olia Hair Dye. It is a dye that caught my attention because it is ammonia-free. I try to look for products that protect my hair but work at the same time, so I had to try it.