What are the best creams with ceramides on the market in 2022? Since I tried the famous Ceramidin cream from Dr Jart+ I have become a big fan of ceramides.
My Opinion about Olaplex Conditioner
If I recently told you about shampoo, today I tell you my opinion about Olaplex Conditioner. My experience and my general review about this "celebrity" hair care product.
My review of Olaplex No. 4 Shampoo
Finally! I have already tried Olaplex Shampoo No.4 Bond Maintenance Shampoo and I tell you my opinion about it.
The best creams with hyaluronic acid from pharmacy in 2023
Hello my darlings! In today’s post we are going to make a recap of the best creams with hyaluronic acid from pharmacy in 2023. That is, I already anticipate that here we will find from the favorite pharmacy creams of always to others that have entered the market more recently.
My Opinion about Garnier Olia Hair Dye
Today I tell you my opinion about Garnier’s Olia Hair Dye. It is a dye that caught my attention because it is ammonia-free. I try to look for products that protect my hair but work at the same time, so I had to try it.