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Dehydrated oily skin and open pores: the best tips

Piel grasa deshidratada y poros abiertos

Many people will be surprised to read that oily skin can also be seen with a lack of hydration, but the truth is that one thing has nothing to do with the other. And now, when you add dilated pores to this, the issue gets complicated. That’s why I talk in this post about dehydrated oily skin and open pores: the best tips to take care of it. In addition, I review some serums and creams most recommended from my personal experience.

General recommendations for dehydrated oily skin and open pores

Before you start, if you want to know why we have oily skin and how we should treat it, you should take a look at this Guide to Oily Skin, which covers the subject completely and maybe you learn things you did not know.

Open pores are very characteristic of oily skin, and we tend to use slightly aggressive products that irritate it. That’s when the problem of dryness and dehydration appears. And this is how we end up with a skin with lack of hydration and also with dialatated pores. But how to attack these two problems that seem at the same time contradictory?

In summary I will tell you that you have to maintain a balance between moisturizing and nuance to treat both problems at the same time.

In today’s article we are going to talk about treatments to carry out at home, but if you consult a dermatologist or an aesthetic center, you will see that you can complete it with other sessions in the cabin.

And now, let’s go there with home treatments for day to day!

First of all: why does excess sebum occur? That super uncomfortable glow on the skin that appears throughout the day and is accentuated when it is hot. Oily skin produces it naturally, but there are factors that can accentuate it. Here are some examples:

Factors that contribute to excess oil in the skin:

  • High-fat foods
  • Contamination
  • The hormonal cycle
  • Overcleaning
  • Lack of cleanliness
  • Alcohol and tobacco

The first thing we must do to properly treat oily skin is to eliminate the factors listed above. In this way, the skin will be less stressed and excess sebum will be regulated.

Now, we have tried to relieve excess fat due to external factors. It is time to treat the problem from cosmetics. I will explain the fundamental tips to fight against open pores and oily skin.

However, let’s see a complete step-by-step routine to take care of dehydrated oily skin with open pores.

Routine for dehydrated oily skin with open pores.

Step 1: Cleanse oily skin

As we said, we must find the balance between moisturizing and nuance. And before all this, we must prepare the skin through proper cleaning.

In order to moisturize the skin we must remove the film of dead cells and fat that covers it. And this can only be done through cleaning. We should use a cleansing gel or cleansing foam, and only two or three times a week a facial exfoliant.

Remember that too much cleaning will cause the skin to produce even more oil. That is why it is important to have an optimal level of cleanliness: neither too much nor too little. One of the recommendations I always make, to treat dehydrated oily skin is not to try to clean it excessively, because that can produce more sebum and increase the problem of oil. And while, of course, the skin remains just as dehydrated.

Once we have completed the cleaning step we can face our two challenges: dehydration and open pores.

Step 2: Treat the Open Pores

First of all we will treat the pores. Why? Because the most effective (and really almost the only) way to do it is through a serum. Serums are ultra-concentrated treatments, and are always applied before moisturiser. For this reason it is the first thing we must face.

The truth, make no mistake, is that it is very difficult to make progress with enlarged pores. And the products we use are going to have a limited action. However, you can notice improvement, so it is worth trying to look for specific products for open pores. One of the most popular products in 2022 to treat open pores is the Clarins Pore Control Serum .

Also one thing that has worked well for me to treat open pores is clay masks. One that I really like is Turmeric and Cranberry Seeds by Kiehls, in the link you have the review. At the moment I am using an Avon one that I may review if I have time. Anyway, I have tried others and they all have similar results. What they do is absorb the fat and leave the skin nuanced without drying it out.

Once we have applied the serum or mask to treat the pores of the skin, it is time to solve the lack of hydration. We can do this through different products. But since we are currently treating open pores with a specific serum, I recommend looking for a moisturiser to complete the treatment.

Step 3: Moisturise the oily skin

My recommendation to moisturize skins that tend to grease and shine is the Aloe Vera Day Moisturizing Cream for normal to oily skin from Nezeni Cosmetics, a pleasant discovery that not only maintains correct hydration, but also has the plus of delaying the first signs of aging.

It is complemented with the Night moisturiser Collagen normal to oily skin that acts at night retaining moisture and enhancing the creation of natural collagen. A combination that many users like.

Both options have a very light and pleasant texture that refreshes and soothes the skin leaving it matted and with less visible pores.

Nezeni also has in its catalog the same moisturizing versions for the complexions that are drier and have sensitivity problems, with richer textures and more nutritious ingredients.

But what stands out most about these products is their natural formula that avoids any irritating chemicals and uses very few preservatives. This way you will not have tolerance problems, and no negative effects on your skin or your health, neither now nor in the future.

Apart from Nezeni cream, one of the best moisturiser for oily skin with lack of hydration, or one of the top, is the Clinique Superdefense SPF 20 – moisturiser for oily skin day and -ERR:REF-NOT-FOUND-the Clinique Superdefense – moisturiser for oily skin at night. Both in its day version, with sunscreen, and at night. It can also work well for combination skin.

I told you in the blog about them some time ago in this cosmetic haul, when I tried them. You can read the post if you want more information.

Best moisturiser dehydrated oily skin
Clinique Dehydrated Oily Skin Creams

I have not bought them again because you know that I love to try new things to be able to tell you about them, but the truth is that I do not forget those creams. As I said, they have a day and night version and I think it is one of the best moisturisers for dehydrated oily skin, at least for me.

Clinque has a special version of oily skin hydrant within the Superdefense line, which is the III/IV. Then they also make the I/II range, which is for normal to dry skin. One of the things I like is because the day cream has sunscreen, super important to combat premature aging of the skin. That’s why I tell you that for me, Clarins is one of the best moisturisers for combination skin.

In case you do not use an open pore serum, and want one to moisturize the skin, I recommend the Advanced Night Repair from Estée Lauder and the Vitamin C 10 from La Roche Posay. In the links you have my review of each of the serums.

In any case, choose the cream you choose, always check that it is specific for oily or combination skin and that it contains SPF if it is a day cream.

Tips for oily skin and pores

Overall, these are my top recommendations for oily skin with open pores that is lacking in hydration. It is a super common problem and it is not easy to solve, because they are two contradictory situations. But if we take care of the skin constantly over the years we will be able to attenuate the appearance of both enlarged pores and dryness in the skin.

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If you want more tips to achieve perfect skin, do not miss this video from my YouTube channel:

Take good care of yourselves,

Deliria Rose